Westcoast Masters Swimming Club Inc
Adult swimming in the northern suburbs of Perth - Western Australia
Westcoast members who have completed the solo swim -
(if you have been missed, please advise so we can update our records.)
004 Les Stewart
029 Peter Forbes
030 Debra Martyn
031 Carrol Wannell
033 Shirley Thurston
034 Max Wannell
035 Margo Sudintas
048 Tony Williams
089 Ross Abbott
101 Kim Burkett
234 Mark Cockroft
244 Caryn Kiellor
283 Mike Stewart
294 Brent Thompson
373 Tim Buytels
375 Adrian Hirsch
390 Gary Payne
407 Sue Oldham
440 Antony Mee
475 Geoff Davieson
509 Arron Robertson
581 Viki Shelver
627 Selwyn Jellie
668 Karen Gale
697 Margaret Ernst
701 Sandra Teagle
704 Tony Parbery
706 Steve Evans
713 Nathalie Bond
716 Steve Wilson
726 Alan Penny
792 Jason Snell
808 Ryan James
823 Lynette Bradley
828 Cherie Ebsworth
876 Amanda Lee
884 Narelle Davey
892 Alan Power
913 Nadine Szokolai
928 Christine Roberts
1086 Wayne Dohmen
1190 Damon Brown
1117 Chris Swallow
1167 Jessica Barclay
1193 John Bryan
1226 Jo Horrex
1349 Glen Atkins
1429 Claire Maguire
1461 Bek Shand
1514 Marie Bullock
1518 Peta B
1524 Andrew Stevens
1538 Darren Cooper
1543 Brad Smith
1562 Kieren Lawrenson
1620 Lex Robertson
1629 Erin Spooner
1730 Cameron Robertson
1804 Charlie Gale
1838 Shaun Harrison
1984 John Everitt
2115 Kacy Mazzini
2133 Stuart Anderson
2344 Siobhan Goodwin
2366 Bruce Philips
2537 Bree Elliott
2581 Amy Kerman
2603 Carmi Louw
2604 Karis Chaplyn
2658 Jacinta KIng
2659 Geoff Colyer
2771 Grant Williams
2834 Lisa Mahon
2933 Nathan Perrett
3069 Brett Oats
3088 Jay Prchal
3106 Conor O'Brien
3154 Debbie Hart
3164 Ash Cornish
3169 Jess Mann
3239 Angie Brown
3240 Nicole Barrett
3247 Hayley Chaplyn
2025 newbies:
Amy Barker
Andre Meyer
Matt Dohmen
Tash Bamber
to be continued.............................(if you are a club member who has completed a solo swim, and your name does not appear on the list, please advise the Secretary.)